When should you make a plan to respond to market disruption?
- your clients, suppliers or sales channels are heavily disrupted,
- changes in the clients’ behaviour are expected in the medium or long term,
- your company has inflexible cost structure or low cash reserves.
A successful response to market disruptions requires:
- ensuring safety and business continuity in core functions,
- preparing restructuring plans for 2-3 scenarios of market disruptions impact,
- active searching and scaling up new revenue streams and sales channels.
At work, we use the experience gained during 2008 financial crisis and earlier projects for post state-owned companies entering free-market. The final plan consists of:
- sales, operations and supply chain continuity plan,
- changes to customer segmentation and sales activity,
- new revenue streams and sales channels, along with scaling-up plan,
- work organization changes, including scaling-up automation and remote work ,
- supply chain adaptation plan for securing product availability,
- assets, liabilities and cash flow restructuring plan,
- long-term strategy update – strategic objectives and priorities update.
Scope of support
Securing business continuity
securing safety, core business functions continuity and cash-flow
Adjusting scale
preparing several restructuring scenarios and business scale adjustments
Adapting business model
introducing changes to the business model addressing long-term market changes